今天详细了解一下 APC 到底是怎么工作的。
挂入的时候,内核会准备一个 _KAPC
结构体,将该结构体挂入线程的 APC
先在 windbg 中查看一下:
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| kd> dt _KAPC ntdll!_KAPC +0x000 Type : UChar +0x001 SpareByte0 : UChar +0x002 Size : UChar +0x003 SpareByte1 : UChar +0x004 SpareLong0 : Uint4B +0x008 Thread : Ptr32 _KTHREAD +0x00c ApcListEntry : _LIST_ENTRY +0x014 KernelRoutine : Ptr32 void +0x018 RundownRoutine : Ptr32 void +0x01c NormalRoutine : Ptr32 void +0x020 NormalContext : Ptr32 Void +0x024 SystemArgument1 : Ptr32 Void +0x028 SystemArgument2 : Ptr32 Void +0x02c ApcStateIndex : Char +0x02d ApcMode : Char +0x02e Inserted : UChar
名称 |
含义 |
Type |
为KOBJECTS枚举类型的ApcObject |
Size |
等于 KAPC 结构的大小 |
Thread |
指向此 APC 对象所在的线程ETHREAD |
ApcListEntry |
APC 对象被加入到线程 APC 链表中的节点对象 |
KernelRoutine |
指向释放 APC 对象的函数指针 |
RundownRoutine |
函数指针(可选参数),当一个线程终止时,如果它的 APC 链表中还有 APC 对象,若RundownRoutine非空,则调用它所指函数 |
NormalRoutine |
如果是内核 APC ,指向要指向的函数,如果是用户 APC 指向了所有用户 APC 都会运行的函数 |
NormalContext |
如果是内核 APC 该参数为NULL,如果是用户 APC 该参数就是真正要执行的用户APC函数 |
SystemArgument1 |
APC 函数的参数 |
SystemArgument2 |
APC 函数的参数 |
AppStateIndex |
说明了APC对象的环境状态,它是KAPC_ENVIRONMENT枚举类型的成员,一旦APC对象被插入到线程的APC链表中,则ApcStateIndex指示了它位于线程ETHREAD对象的哪个APC链表中 |
ApcMode |
为0表示这是一个内核APC,为1说明这是用户APC |
Inserted |
指示该APC是否已被插入到线程的APC链表中 |
其中 QueueUserAPC
这个函数位于 kernel32.dll
,它会调用内核模块的 NtQueueApcThread
进行实现,经历过重重调用,使用 KeInitializeApc
结构体分配内存并进行初始化,调用 KeInsertQueueApc
进行插入到指定队列,而插入最终由 KiInsertQueueApc
就是调用了一个 NtQueueApcThread
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| NTSTATUS __stdcall NtQueueApcThreadEx( ATOM_INFORMATION_CLASS Handle, ATOM_INFORMATION_CLASS a2, void (__stdcall *NormalRoutine)(void *, void *, void *), void *Context, int a5, int a6) { NTSTATUS result; NTSTATUS v7; char *v8; struct _KAPC *Kapc; void (__stdcall *v10)(_KAPC *, void (__stdcall **)(void *, void *, void *), void **, void **, void **); void (__stdcall *RundownRoutine)(_KAPC *); MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE v12; int AccessMode; _KTHREAD *Thread;
LOBYTE(AccessMode) = KeGetCurrentThread()->PreviousMode; result = ObReferenceObjectByHandle((HANDLE)Handle, 0x10u, (POBJECT_TYPE)PsThreadType, AccessMode, (PVOID *)&Thread, 0); if ( result >= 0 ) { if ( (Thread->MiscFlags & 0x2000) != 0 ) { v7 = -1073741816; LABEL_15: ObfDereferenceObject(Thread); return v7; } if ( a2 ) { v7 = ObReferenceObjectByHandle((HANDLE)a2, 2u, PspMemoryReserveObjectTypes, AccessMode, (PVOID *)&v12, 0); if ( v7 < 0 ) goto LABEL_15; v8 = (char *)v12; if ( _InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile signed __int32 *)v12, 1, 0) ) { ObfDereferenceObject(v8); v7 = -1073741584; goto LABEL_15; } Kapc = (struct _KAPC *)(v8 + 4); v10 = (void (__stdcall *)(_KAPC *, void (__stdcall **)(void *, void *, void *), void **, void **, void **))PspUserApcReserveKernelRoutine; RundownRoutine = (void (__stdcall *)(_KAPC *))PspUserApcReserveRundownRoutine; } else { Kapc = (struct _KAPC *)ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag((POOL_TYPE)8, 0x30u, 0x70617350u); if ( !Kapc ) { v7 = -1073741801; goto LABEL_15; } v10 = (void (__stdcall *)(_KAPC *, void (__stdcall **)(void *, void *, void *), void **, void **, void **))IopDeallocateApc; RundownRoutine = (void (__stdcall *)(_KAPC *))ExFreePool; } KeInitializeApc(Kapc, Thread, 0, v10, RundownRoutine, NormalRoutine, 1, Context); if ( (unsigned __int8)KeInsertQueueApc(Kapc, a5, a6, 0) ) { v7 = 0; } else { RundownRoutine(Kapc); v7 = -1073741823; } goto LABEL_15; } return result; }
- 根据句柄获得线程内核对象
初始化 KAPC
插入 APC
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| PKAPC __stdcall KeInitializeApc( PKAPC Apc, _KTHREAD *Thread, int TargetEnvironment, void (__stdcall *KernelRoutine)(_KAPC *, void (__stdcall **)(void *, void *, void *), void **, void **, void **), void (__stdcall *RundownRoutine)(_KAPC *), void (__stdcall *NormalRoutine)(void *, void *, void *), char Mode, void *Context) { PKAPC result; char ApcStateIndex;
result = Apc; ApcStateIndex = TargetEnvironment; Apc->Type = 18; Apc->Size = 48; if ( TargetEnvironment == 2 ) ApcStateIndex = Thread->ApcStateIndex; Apc->Thread = Thread; Apc->KernelRoutine = KernelRoutine; Apc->ApcStateIndex = ApcStateIndex; Apc->RundownRoutine = RundownRoutine; Apc->NormalRoutine = NormalRoutine; if ( NormalRoutine ) { Apc->ApcMode = Mode; Apc->NormalContext = Context; } else { Apc->ApcMode = 0; Apc->NormalContext = 0; } Apc->Inserted = 0; return result; }
初始化了 KAPC
这个结构,并且根据 TargetEnvironment
去修正 ApcStateIndex
值 |
含义 |
0 |
原始环境 |
1 |
挂靠环境 |
2 |
当前环境 |
3 |
插入APC时的当前环境 |
0和1值很好理解,跟线程结构体中该对象一致,主要就是 2 和 3 值:
回到 NtQueueApcThread
函数,来看看其中调用的 KeInsertQueueApc
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| char __stdcall KeInsertQueueApc(_KAPC *Kapc, void *argument1, void *argument2, char a4) { _KTHREAD *Thread; volatile __int32 *p_ApcQueueLock; char v7; int v8; FS_INFORMATION_CLASS NewIrql; _KPRCB *Prcb;
Thread = Kapc->Thread; v8 = 0; LOBYTE(NewIrql) = KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel(); Prcb = KeGetPcr()->Prcb; p_ApcQueueLock = (volatile __int32 *)&Thread->ApcQueueLock; while ( _InterlockedExchange(p_ApcQueueLock, 1) ) { do { if ( (++v8 & HvlLongSpinCountMask) != 0 || (HvlEnlightenments & 0x40) == 0 ) _mm_pause(); else HvlNotifyLongSpinWait(v8); } while ( *p_ApcQueueLock ); } if ( (*(_DWORD *)&Thread->0 & 0x20) == 0 || Kapc->Inserted == 1 ) { v7 = 0; } else { Kapc->SystemArgument1 = argument1; Kapc->Inserted = 1; Kapc->SystemArgument2 = argument2; KiInsertQueueApc(Prcb, Kapc, NewIrql); v7 = 1; } _InterlockedAnd(p_ApcQueueLock, 0); KiExitDispatcher(Prcb, 0, 1, a4, NewIrql); return v7; }
- 将中断等级提升至
- 构造好
结构体,调用 KiInsertQueueApc
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| char __fastcall KiInsertQueueApc(_KPRCB *PRCB, _KAPC *Apc, char IRQL) { _KTHREAD *Thread; _KAPC_STATE *v5; char ApcMode; _LIST_ENTRY *v7; _LIST_ENTRY *Flink; _LIST_ENTRY *v9; _LIST_ENTRY *Blink; _LIST_ENTRY *v11; _LIST_ENTRY *v12; _LIST_ENTRY *v13; unsigned int ThreadApcStateIndex; unsigned int ApcStateIndex; volatile __int32 *v16; volatile __int32 *p_ThreadLock; int v18; char v19; ULONG CurrentProcessorNumber; volatile unsigned int NextProcessor; unsigned int v22; int v23; _KPRCB *v24; char v26; char v27; int v28; __int32 v30; _WORD v31[4]; int v32;
Thread = Apc->Thread; if ( Apc->ApcStateIndex == 3 ) Apc->ApcStateIndex = Thread->ApcStateIndex; v5 = Thread->ApcStatePointer[Apc->ApcStateIndex]; ApcMode = Apc->ApcMode; if ( Apc->NormalRoutine ) { v26 = 1; if ( ApcMode && (int (__stdcall *)(MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, int, int, int, int))Apc->KernelRoutine == PsExitSpecialApc ) { Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending = 1; v7 = &v5->ApcListHead[ApcMode]; Flink = v7->Flink; Apc->ApcListEntry.Flink = v7->Flink; Apc->ApcListEntry.Blink = v7; Flink->Blink = &Apc->ApcListEntry; v7->Flink = &Apc->ApcListEntry; } else { v9 = &v5->ApcListHead[ApcMode]; Blink = v9->Blink; Apc->ApcListEntry.Flink = v9; Apc->ApcListEntry.Blink = Blink; Blink->Flink = &Apc->ApcListEntry; v9->Blink = &Apc->ApcListEntry; } } else { v11 = &v5->ApcListHead[ApcMode]; v12 = v11->Blink; v26 = 0; while ( v12 != v11 && v12[2].Flink ) v12 = v12->Blink; v13 = v12->Flink; Apc->ApcListEntry.Flink = v12->Flink; Apc->ApcListEntry.Blink = v12; v13->Blink = &Apc->ApcListEntry; v12->Flink = &Apc->ApcListEntry; } ThreadApcStateIndex = Thread->ApcStateIndex; ApcStateIndex = Apc->ApcStateIndex; if ( ApcStateIndex == ThreadApcStateIndex ) { LOBYTE(ThreadApcStateIndex) = (_BYTE)PRCB; if ( Thread == PRCB->CurrentThread ) { if ( !ApcMode && (!Thread->CombinedApcDisable || !v26 && !Thread->SpecialApcDisable) ) { Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = 1; if ( !IRQL ) { Thread->MiscFlags |= 0x100u; return ThreadApcStateIndex; } RequestSoftwareInterrupt: LOBYTE(ApcStateIndex) = 1; LOBYTE(ThreadApcStateIndex) = HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt(ApcStateIndex); } } else if ( ApcMode ) { LOBYTE(ThreadApcStateIndex) = Thread->State; if ( (_BYTE)ThreadApcStateIndex == 5 ) { v27 = 0; p_ThreadLock = (volatile __int32 *)&Thread->ThreadLock; v18 = 0; while ( _InterlockedExchange(p_ThreadLock, 1) ) { do { if ( (++v18 & HvlLongSpinCountMask) != 0 || (HvlEnlightenments & 0x40) == 0 ) _mm_pause(); else HvlNotifyLongSpinWait(v18); } while ( *p_ThreadLock ); } if ( Thread->State == 5 && Thread->WaitMode == 1 && ((*(_BYTE *)&Thread->0 & 0x20) != 0 || Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending) ) { v19 = KiSignalThread(0, Thread, PRCB, 0xC0); Thread->WaitRegister.Flags |= 0x20u; v27 = v19; } LOBYTE(ThreadApcStateIndex) = 0; _InterlockedAnd(p_ThreadLock, 0); if ( v27 ) Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending = 1; } } else { Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = 1; _InterlockedExchange(&v30, (__int32)PRCB); ThreadApcStateIndex = Thread->State; if ( ThreadApcStateIndex == 2 ) { CurrentProcessorNumber = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(0); ApcStateIndex = Thread->NextProcessor; if ( CurrentProcessorNumber == ApcStateIndex ) goto RequestSoftwareInterrupt; NextProcessor = Thread->NextProcessor; v31[0] = 1; v31[1] = 1; v32 = 0; v22 = (unsigned int)KiProcessorIndexToNumberMappingTable[NextProcessor] >> 6; v23 = KiProcessorIndexToNumberMappingTable[NextProcessor] & 0x3F; if ( v22 ) v31[0] = v22 + 1; *(&v32 + v22) |= KiMask32Array[v23]; v24 = KeGetPcr()->Prcb; ++v24->IpiSendSoftwareInterruptCount; LOBYTE(ThreadApcStateIndex) = KiIpiSend((int)v31, 1u); } else if ( ThreadApcStateIndex == 5 ) { v28 = 0; v16 = (volatile __int32 *)&Thread->ThreadLock; while ( _InterlockedExchange(v16, 1) ) { do { if ( (++v28 & HvlLongSpinCountMask) != 0 || (HvlEnlightenments & 0x40) == 0 ) _mm_pause(); else HvlNotifyLongSpinWait(v28); } while ( *v16 ); } if ( Thread->State == 5 && !Thread->WaitIrql && !Thread->SpecialApcDisable && (!Apc->NormalRoutine || !Thread->KernelApcDisable && !Thread->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress) ) { KiSignalThread(0, Thread, PRCB, 0x100); Thread->WaitRegister.Flags |= 0x10u; } LOBYTE(ThreadApcStateIndex) = 0; _InterlockedAnd(v16, 0); } } } return ThreadApcStateIndex; }
- 根据
- 再根据
- 将
- 再根据
- 修改
当插入 APC
),那么 APC
立刻被执行,否则只会被插入到 APC
在队列中的 APC
会在线程进入 alertable
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#include <iostream> #include <Windows.h>
void shellcode1() { printf("shellcode1 execute\n"); }
void shellcode2() { printf("shellcode2 execute\n"); }
int main() { HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); printf("helloworld\n"); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)shellcode1, hThread, 0); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)shellcode2, hThread, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("[%d]prepare to insert apc %d\n", time(NULL), i); Sleep(1000); } return 0; }
向当前线程插入 APC
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| helloworld [1739719424]prepare to insert apc 0 [1739719425]prepare to insert apc 1 [1739719426]prepare to insert apc 2 [1739719427]prepare to insert apc 3 [1739719428]prepare to insert apc 4
可以看到,线程到死都没有执行成功 APC
,因为不满足上面分析的 APC
很多跟等待相关的,加了 Ex
后缀的函数,其基本跟另外一个参数有关,就是 alertable
,例如 Sleep->SleepEx
这里我们把 Sleep
替换为 SleepEx
并把 alertable
设置为 True
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#include <iostream> #include <Windows.h>
void shellcode1() { printf("shellcode1 execute\n"); }
void shellcode2() { printf("shellcode2 execute\n"); }
int main() { HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); printf("helloworld\n"); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)shellcode1, hThread, 0); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)shellcode2, hThread, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("[%d]prepare to insert apc %d\n", time(NULL), i); SleepEx(1000,1); } return 0; }
在第一次 SleepEx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| helloworld [1739719959]prepare to insert apc 0 shellcode1 execute shellcode2 execute [1739719959]prepare to insert apc 1 [1739719960]prepare to insert apc 2 [1739719961]prepare to insert apc 3 [1739719962]prepare to insert apc 4
来演示在 SleepEx
的过程中插入 APC
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#include <iostream> #include <Windows.h>
void shellcode1() { printf("shellcode1 execute\n"); }
void shellcode2() { printf("shellcode2 execute\n"); }
void routine() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("[%d]routine %d\n", time(NULL), i); SleepEx(10000, 1); } }
int main() { HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); HANDLE hThread2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)routine, NULL, 0, NULL); printf("helloworld\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("[%d]prepare to insert apc %d\n", time(NULL), i); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)shellcode1, hThread2, 0); SleepEx(1000,1); }
return 0; }
可以看到,线程自己的 SleepEx
并没有生效,因为在插入 APC
时线程就被立刻唤醒且执行 APC
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| helloworld [1739770840]prepare to insert apc 0 [1739770840]routine 0 shellcode1 execute [1739770840]routine 1 [1739770841]prepare to insert apc 1 shellcode1 execute [1739770841]routine 2 [1739770842]prepare to insert apc 2 shellcode1 execute [1739770842]routine 3 [1739770843]prepare to insert apc 3 shellcode1 execute [1739770843]routine 4 [1739770844]prepare to insert apc 4 shellcode1 execute